How did Shaquille O'Neal Build His $400M Net Worth?

Former NBA star Shaquille O'Neal has amassed a $400 million fortune through careful investing,

as detailed by Profluence's Andrew Petcash in a Twitter thread.

When it comes to investments, O'Neal follows the golden rule:

"Only invest in things that are going to change people's lives."

He has put his money into forward-thinking firms like Ring and Google and

cash cows like Five Guys Burgers and Fries and car washes.

O'Neal says he wasn't always good with money,

but now he employs the "golden rule" to guide his long-term investments.

He supplements his primary income by playing DJ sets at large music festivals.

Petcash, the founder of Profluence,

has amassed a large following on Twitter because of his habit of discussing athletes' salaries.